Editorial Staff: Taras Voznyak
(Editor-in-Chief) |
The Independent cultural journal “JI”
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This issue is published in co-operation with Heinrich-Boell-Fund (Berlin) |
All texts are available in Ukrainian (archive Ukr.)Taras Voznyak Galician Identity Phenomenon Marina Novikova Myth World of Antonych: Bios and Ethos Petro and Ivan Radkovets Lvover “People” Ostap Sereda Rus’ Balls Natalka Kosmolinska, Yurko Okhrimenko Homo leopolensis esse Lviv Slang Short Vocabulary Joseph Mayen Talks About Lviv Coffee Houses Mariola Szydlowska Cabaret of Lviv Przemyslaw Witkowski With an Elephant on the Emblem Mayer Balaban What Was Happening on Zhydivska (Jewish) Street Ihor Lylyo Greek World of Lviv Victor Proskuryakov First Theatre Spaces and Buildings Barbara Gierszewska Cinema Theatres and Cinema Magnates of Lviv Mykhailo Khodorovskyj Maçons in Galicia XVIII ст. Markiyan Nestajko Maslosojuz Lviv Kins Andriy Kyrchiv From Life Story of Lviv Breweries Petro and Ivan Radkovets Sketches to Lviv Advertisings Petro and Ivan Radkovets Who Was Harmed by Alcohol in Galicia? Petro and Ivan Radkovets Galician Police before 1848 Petro and Ivan Radkovets St.Florian Knights Andriy Kozytskyj Young Ladies in Red Petro and Ivan Radkovets Jesuits in Lviv Petro and Ivan Radkovets Lviv Fests Oksana Palamarchuk Boguslawski Theatre Roman Kupchynskyj From the Memories About Contemporaries Oleh Rybchynskyj Lviv Postman Roberto Bandinelli Ihor Kuternoha Dzieduszycki: Madman With the Ministry Portfolio Petro and Ivan Radkovets Lviv «End of the World» and Its Inhabitants Petro and Ivan Radkovets Letters to Director Newspapers on the Death of Leopold von Sacher Masoch Ihor Kuternoha Stanislaw Skarbek: Adventurer and Donator Iryna Kotlobulatova Engineer Karl Richtmann Ihor Kuternoha Lviv Women in Diaries, Memories, Poetry Ihor Kuternoha Galician Clear Heads Fryderik Papee Swedes in Lviv Ivan Velykyj Galician Naturalists Zenovij Fed’kiv Pocket Theft Sofia Mijska Rules |