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The Independent cultural journal “JI”
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All texts are available in Ukrainian (archive Ukr.)Volodymyr Melamed Hebrews in princely Lviv (Õ²²²-Õ²V century) Volodymyr Melamed Under the royal protection (XIV- in the beginning of XVII century) Volodymyr Melamed The time of difficult trials (beginning of XVII - XVIII century) Volodymyr Melamed Under the rule of Habsburgs (1772-1848) Volodymyr Melamed In the struggle for equal rights and national rebirth (1849-1918) Volodymyr Melamed Between two world wars (1919-1939) Meir Balaban Jewish district in Lviv Meir Balaban Two jewish communities Meir Balaban What was going on the jewish street ? Meir Balaban Struggle for widening the street Meir Balaban The trial with the municipality. Streets in XIX century. Meir Balaban Jewish street, its synagogue and buildings. Ivan Monolatii Hebrews in Galicia under austrian rule (1772-1918) Maksym Hon The problem of jewish national renaissance in Galicia in twenties of XX century. Roman Zakharii Mozes Schorr - assyriologist and historian of Eastern European Jewry Roman Zakharii Meir Balaban - the prominent historian of Polish Jews. Fayina Petriakova Maximilian Goldstein Jakov Hoenigsman Rapoport Three generations of Rappoport family. Volodymyr Melamed Steiger Affair and Ukrainian-Jewish Relations in Eastern Galicia in the 1920s Halyna Glembocka Jewish fine art in Galicia (in the first half of XX century) Barbara Letocha Newspaper of Lembergs hebrews «Chwila» Joseph Helston Synagogues in Lviv Joseph Helston Jewish cemeteries in Lviv Witold Szolginia In distrikt Krakidaly in Lviv Volodymyr Melamed Trough ancient jewish streets Famous citizens of Lviv of jewish provenance |