All texts are available in Ukrainian (archive
Vassyl Kujbida. Ukraine-Poland On The World Chessboard: Geopolitical
Milestones Of Today
Co-operation between Ukraine and Poland seems to be the main strategic
factor of the CEE region from the Washington’s point of view.
Zbigniew Brzezinski. Ukraine-Poland: Role And Place In European
The significance of good relations between those two countries is stressed.
Taras Voznyak. EU Moves Towards
East. Ukraine’s Prospects (Ukr./Eng.)
Ukraine in the context of the EU enlargement to the East.
Bohdan Pankevych. Ukraine And
The Idea Of European Integration. Initiative Of Lviv Region (Ukr./
Threats of the new “Iron Curtain” for Ukraine and how to omit this danger.
Zbigniew Brzezinski. Russia As A Buffer Between China And
An interview.
Yevhen Bersheda. Ukrainian-Polish Relations And European Security
The new configuration of European security system after the Cold War.
Taras Woznyak. Elite Groups In Ukraine
Role and place of elites in the contemporary Ukrainian society.
Bohumila Berdychowska, Jacek Kuron’. Cold Borderline
The barreers on the way to Ukrainian-Polish good neighbourhood relations.
Oksana Zabuzhko. Role Of Polish Opposing Literature In Forming
Of Post-Soviet Ukrainian Intelligentia
Mutual input and coherence of Ukrainian and Polish literatures and cultures
is discussed.
Vassyl Filipchuk. Some Aspects Of Poles History And Of Polish-Ukrainian
Relations In Bukovyna
A particular historical fact of cloudless Polish-Ukrainian relations
in one of Western Ukrainian regions.
Zigmund Haupt. Basque Devil. Poker In Gorgany
Two stories.
Syergey Kazyonnov, Vladimir Pugachov. Liberals: Great Manoeuvres
At The Eve Of Great Changes (Rus.)
Critical analysis of the P.Aven’s article in “Kommersant”.
Zbigniew Brzezinski. The Speech On The Lviv City Rada Deputies
Meeting Dedicated To His Decoration With The “Honourable Citizenship
Of Lviv”
Klauss Bachmann. What You Can And What Cannot Do For Neighbour:
Don’t Call For Dreams That Would Never Become A Reality
The practical manual description for the decision-making elites of Poland
and Ukraine.
Taras Woznyak. Geopolitical Role Of Western Ukraine In Ukrainian
And European Context
An attempt of system analysis of Galician political phenomenon.
Andriy Kyrchiv. Contemporary Problems Of Polish National Security
Changes in national security concept corresponding to the contemporary
needs and challenges.
Syergey Chernyshov. Idiotism As A Profession And A VocationSatirical
story about Russian political realities.
Samuel F.Huntington. Confrontation Of Civilisations And Boundary
Of The World
Geopolitical concept of contemporary conflicts.
Stefan Chwin. The City
Story about Gdansk.
Norman Davis. Wandering Borders Of Europe
An analysis of attempts of European unity.